Sunday, 27 April 2008
From the Print Fair - 2
Saturday, 26 April 2008
From the Print Fair
Friday, 25 April 2008
ickledot in London
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Weird goings-on at the pool
Little did I realise that the instructor of the class going on in two other lanes had directed her charges to walk briskly along the length of the bath in one direction. Amazingly, this caused something of a whirlpool effect, hence my difficulties.
It was the talk of the hot-tub, I can tell you.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Madmen - What's That All About?
Maybe the Americans needed a strong reminder that their so called golden Eisenhower era was not as idyllic as they remembered, but for me it's a bit of a yawn.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Bronte Blues Club - Another Epic Night
From the opening chords of Tommy Allen's Fender (ickledot is no guitar spotter - the internet thing can be so useful), we all knew we were in for an historic evening. He and the rest of Mojo's band, Chris Lomas and Doug McMinn, were at the top of their game and Mojo himself was wonderful.
In an age when youth and celebrity reign over all it was so refreshing to witness a collaboration which spanned the decades so effortlessly, yielding such joyful results.
Another hit for bronteblues. Congratulations to all concerned.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Domestic Bliss? Nearing completion
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Good food in West Yorkshire
CCTV and litter louts
If a camera should capture a community minded citizen picking up a piece of litter, surely some kind of reward would be in order? A minor reduction in Council Tax? Gift vouchers? A roll of honour in the local paper?
ickledot thinks incentive works better than punishment every time!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
A Night at the Bronte Blues Club
The house band, BBC4 (1,2, 3?) were also in acoustic mood and in great form. Highlight for ickledot (bit of a creep and not necessarily a blues purist) was Jon Crossley's rendition of Randy Newman's 'Louisiana 1927'. Clearly enjoyed by all, the pre-main act chat melted away, so if any pin dropping had occurred, we'd have certainly heard it (well not really, cos Jon was playing, but you know what I mean).
A great night. Thanks to all concerned.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Simon Mayo in the Afternoons
A quick look on the BBC website reveals that he has not left or switched after all, but if he had, would he be the first to move from poppy Radio 1 DJ through tabloid Radio 5 to broadsheet Radio 4?
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Domestic Bliss? Further Progress
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Frankie Howerd and The Curse of Comedy
This was where, for me, the other three suffered. They weren't funny, at any point. Now I know what you're thinking. They were dramas, not comedies. True, but the writers and producers should have worked harder to make us laugh at some point so they could illustrate why these characters were so popular. Or were they assuming an audience of over 50s who could all remember the originals?
Domestic Bliss?
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Flickr badge added
Added a Flickr badge tonight. Not many photos on Flickr. Will put more on in the coming weeks. Should take about as long as an Olympic torch takes to get round london.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Getting my head round Rapidweaver
On Friday I downloaded Blocks for Rapidweaver. As with most software that promises the world and ease of use, it is not quite so simple. After a while of trying, I now have a home page with this blog in a Block. Think I am going to need a new theme or turn off the sidebar to get full use of these Blocks.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
The Store With The Friendly Welcome
Recently, ickledot has been working on this highly successful exhibition at the Industrial Museum in Eccleshill Bradford. It celebrates the famous Busbys' Department Store. ickledot scanned and repaired images from the CH Wood archive and designed the huge window blinds, text panels and slideshows for the display.