Saturday, 20 December 2008

Strange Goings-On In the Twitterverse

Been on Twitter for a number of weeks now. I really like it. Suits my approach to blogging in that I am often reluctant to write huge tracts of text whereas the odd sentence or two comes along quite easily. It’s good in terms of audience as well. Without really trying the number of my followers has grown to 40 or so and I’ve had regular correspondence with many of them.
Having bought an iPod Touch recently I have since had some trouble finding a suitable Twitter app for it. Twitterific is one I’ve used on my desktop mac but somehow for me it does not transfer well to the Touch. Next came Twitterfon. This was better but it still lacked something in terms of looks and usability. Thanks to FruitBytes, I came across Tweetie. This app comes at a cost (£1.79!) but it is a small price well worth paying. It has many benefits over others including the ability to handle more than one Twitter account. Its speech bubble listings and clever use of colour also give it a distinctive look and an element of style.
Reading a few of the latest tweets before being overcome by sleep last night, I came across one of Tweetie’s weirdest features. It takes advantage of the fact that the Touch can ‘know’ one’s location (if you decide to let it), and so Tweetie can find the latest tweets from others in the area. Using Twitter regularly, you get a feeling of knowing those you follow. In many cases they share some interests and so become friends, sort of, even though you have almost certainly never met them (and in all likelihood never will). So to see this new list of complete strangers, well, more complete strangers than your friend-strangers is most err…strange. Perhaps it’s the time of year, but several of their tweets were admissions to being more than slightly the worse for wear. Give it a try. See if you have the same reactions as me.

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