Wednesday 16 July 2008

Being fair to the RSPCA

As it turns out, contrary to my report yesterday that the RSPCA had failed to show, apparently they had. About an hour ago I received a call from one of their representatives saying that a colleague had visited, unbeknown to me. She had reported back that she had seen the geese, too far out, and that a boat would be needed to investigate further.

When I explained that our ex-mill pond was only moderately sized, and that the geese were quite prepared to come ashore for bread, we agreed that she might have been at the wrong stretch of water. There is a reservoir a mile or so up the road and she may have been there.

Anyway, they are possibly going to visit tomorrow and have assured me that they will phone either my neighbour or me if they fail to find our pond.

Meanwhile all geese are continuing to eat heartily.

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